The working environment post-pandemic, whether we like to acknowledge it or not, has changed – the demands on an office environment, and on the employer have changed. Pre-pandemic, we thought we were doing a good job if we put plants in our offices to help the ambiance. But symbolic gestures are not enough, we have to look at what our employees need.
And we’re not talking salary or benefits, so let’s take that off of the table. What do our employees need from us? We could go on about the structure of the work place, that they need targets and feedback – for their development and for the operational performance of your business. We also like to go on about the company culture – hard to pin down but we know it has something to do with a supportive work/life balance, about a “listening” environment, about development and if you’ve got a bit lost in the sauce, you often find employers throwing benefits out in hope of finding a cultural balance. So, let’s pause…